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What do I do if I am unable to add my CAD/Incident number or CAD is down?

If the CAD system is down please first submit a CAD down ticket to GMR IT if one has not already been submitted. 

If you are unable to add the CAD/Incident number to your chart please do the following:

1. Type the CAD/Incident number in your narrative in an easy to find location.  Preferably above or below your actual narrative. 

2. Satisfy all closed call rules and "Post" your chart.  You wont be able to mark it "Finished." 

3. Submit a Kayako (ImageTrend Support) Ticket.  Please include the name of the crew member completing the report, Dispatch Date/Time. unit number, and incident address in the ticket.  This information will allow us to locate the chart quickly.  

4. A member of the informatics team will add the CAD/Incident number for you.

5. Once you receive feedback that the CAD/Response number has been added.  Please review your chart in Elite Web and mark it finished. 

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  1. Michael Doty

  2. Posted
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