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For some reason our monitor time is off an hour. Is there anyway to manually change the times on the Zoll Cloud data after it has been downloaded into the incident?

There is no way to change the times of the Zoll Cloud Data once the data is recorded on your monitor and downloaded into your incident.     You will have to delete all data that was downloaded and manually enter the data in your incident using the Vitals Power Tool.   

Also, please make sure that you attach some copies of your EKGs since the waveforms will be removed when you delete the Zoll Data entries form your incident.   **If you do not have real strips printed from the monitor then you will need to print a PDF copy of the chart before the Zoll Vitals are deleted so you can have copies of EKGs to attach.  Please make sure in your narrative that you explain the time stamp difference on the EKGs.

**NOTE:  In order to satisfy the Closed Call Rule about times to POST the chart to Elite Web please do the following steps:

1.  Write down all of your date/times so you can re-enter them in Elite Web.  (Especially your Clinical Times)

2.  Click in each time field and clear all of them except your Unit Notified Time. 

3.  You also may need to adjust your Unit Dispatched Time to be before your times that are wrong on your Zoll Data entries to satisfy the Close Call Rule.

REMEMBER once you POST to Elite Web and make changes you cannot go back to Elite Field and work on your chart.  

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