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What do I do to renew a license or credential?

For each license or credential that needs to be updated another application will need to be completed in the GMR Licensure System (Public Portal).   

1.  Go to the links page and under operations click the GMR Licensure System link

2.  Sign in with your ImageTrend credentials

3.  Click Applications

4.  Locate the Application you need to renew and click Apply Now

5. If you care completing a State License Application, you will have to indicate that this is a renewal and the existing data will be brought into the application allowing you to update the expiration date and upload the new copy of your license or credential. 

Reminder: For the state license applications, please make sure you carefully read and answer the legal questions before completing your application.

NOTE:  If you are on-shift and cannot be added to the lineup because your primary license is expired submit an GMR ImageTrend Support Ticket once your Application has been completed so it can be manually approved so you can be added to the line-up.

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